Monday, September 3, 2012

G.I. Joe

So, I started this casting call a long time ago, but I never posted it because i couldn't finish.  I had key characters that I had no ideas for.  You'll notice that I cast only one bad guy and no female characters.  That's because the bad guys all wear masks and I hadn't really delved into them yet.  The female characters I just hadn't started yet.  You'll also notice I cast people a lot older than the studio saw fit to.  that's because I was looking for quality.  Plus, the characters in the comics and the cartoon were not twenty something's who had just started their career in the military.  They were all lifers and seasoned professionals.  you don't get to be the baddest of the bad through training.  you need a lot of experience.  The major reason I started this one was because, as soon as I became familiar with Michael Clark Duncan, the first thought that came to me was "Roadblock!"  So, in honor of his passing, I'm going to post what I have, to be updated later.  Here's to Roadblock.

Michael Clark Duncan as Roadblock
Really, when you think of enormous bald black men, this guy has to be who you picture.  Roadblock was not only a badass heavy artillery specialist and United States Marine, he was also a gourmet chef, specializing in cajun cuisine.  He had a sensitive side, and was loveable while not losing his shear shock value.  With Duncan's passing, Ving Rames is the obvious man to replace him.

Kurt Russell as Duke
Duke is the field leader of the Joe team.  When Hawk isn't around, Duke is in charge.  Russell has been duke to me since I first started fantasizing about a live action Joe movie when I was a kid.  Big Trouble in Little China was my favorite movie when I was a kid.

Liam Neeson as Destro
Destro is a Scottish arms dealer.  Neeson is an Irish Badass.  But the Rob Roy star has Scot street cred.  I'm thinking you'd only see his face briefly at the beginning before the family ceremony where he dons the iron headpiece.  After that he would be masked for the rest of the film.

 Will Patton as General Hawk
Anyone who has seen The Punisher or Falling Skies knows Patton can be a hard ass and a military leader.  It's unfortunate that such an awesome actor would actually have relatively little screen time.

Michael Rooker as Gung Ho
I don't need to justify this one.
Nathan Fillion as Falcon
Threw him in for the fanboys.  plus, I think he'd be great as Falcon.  Falcon is supposed to be extremely charming and equal parts natural leader and born screw up.

Natasha Henstridge as Lady Jaye
Lady Jaye is a Ranger and Explosives expert.  Not to mention hot as all hell.  She always got less play than Scarlett, but I always had a thing for her.  She is Flint's sometimes girlfriend.

Michael Madsen as Flint
Flint is Duke's second in command and his go to guy.  He is a green beret, and has an on again off again relationship with Lady Jaye, who I've cast with Natasha Henstridge, Madsen's Species Co-star.

Eric Bana as Major Blud
Bana is Australian, like Blud, and with roles like Prince Hector, Avner, and the Airborne Ranger Hoot in Blackhawk Down, We know he could play the bloodthirsty mercenary.

That's it for now.  I'll edit it when I come up with more.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Wonder Woman

With rumors flying that another major DC power player may make a cameo, or at least be mentioned in Zack Snyder’s upcoming Man of Steel, any rational person will conclude that Wonder Woman is a very real possibility.  God forbid anything comes out of DC as unforgivable as Green Lantern, and I hope casting on WW doesn’t go the route some fanboys are pushing.  I’ll be honest, if they cast Megan Fox, I won’t go see it.  So, I decided to cast it myself.  There are a number of ways the film could go, so I’m not going to bother casting every possibility.  Here are just a few of my choices.
Jessica Biel as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman

I feel the need to explain myself.  I think Biel is not only hot, she’s a good actress.  She has proven herself capable of physically demanding roles in Blade: Trinity, and Total Recall, not to mention, this chick is yolked.
Sigourney Weaver as Queen Hippolyta

This requires no explanation in my mind.
Tom Hardy as Ares

Again, I don’t think I need to justify.
Zoe Bell as Baroness Von Gunther

I don’t know if Bell can do a German accent, but if so, I can’t think of anyone better.  She just looks like a Nazi super-spy, plus she is a stunt woman so she and Biel could just beat the living shit out of each other.

That’s it for now.  Although he didn’t come around until later, I’d like to see someone pull of Cheetah, or maybe Guy Pearce as Baron Blitzkrieg.  Maybe in the sequel.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sherlock Holmes

Here's a quick, short one.  As a lifelong Sherlock Holmes fan, I have seen all of the film and television incarnations.  The latest attempts, the Robert Downey Jr. turn, the new television show with Lucy Liu as Watson, and the BBC modern spin on the stories, all seem to want to alter some major aspect of the stories.  The Downey movies put a steampunk type action adventure spin on them while the television shows turn them into a modern police drama.  I'm a traditionalist at heart.  My favorite Sherlock Holmes was Jeremy Brett in the Grenada series from when I was a kid.  I like the Victorian setting and the fact that they were true to Doyles work by being straight detective stories instead of cop dramas or action movies.  Don't get me wrong, I like all of the incarnations I've mentioned.  But my idea is a series of fims based on the more famous of the stories like The sign of Four, The Speckled Band, The Hound of the Baskervilles, and the Final Problem.  I should note that my forst inclination was to simply dig up the cast of Levinson's Young Sherlock Holmes and be done with it, but i decided to think a little harder.  Because the cast changes with every story with only a few exceptions, I have only cast those characters that repeatedly appear.  My casting Ideas are these...

 Rupert Everett as Sherlock Holmes
Ever since I saw Cemetery Man I cannot look at this guy without thinking of Sherlock Holmes.  He also was one of the first people I thought of when I heard about the new James Bond film.  Everett can play pretty much anything and he has the perfect look to be a believable Holmes.

Simon Pegg as Dr. John Watson
I'll be honest.  It has been hard for me not to include Pegg in every casting call I've done.  I just really like the guy.  And, with goofy comedies like Shaun of the Dead, adventures like Star Trek, and a turn as a grave robber in Victorian Edinburgh in Burke & Hare, He has a resume that makes him perfect in my opinion to play Watson.  The problem with casting Watson is that he is alternately portrayed as either a bungling idiot, or more of a muscle character who is there simply as back-up.  Watson was a smart character who sometimes seemed less intelligent because of the man standing next to him.  I think Pegg would make Watson an intelligent and capable man while still being the character that is more accessible and lovable than Holmes.

Gary Oldman as Professor Moriarty
Again, I think this guy should be in every movie ever made.  The man can do anything, and do it well.  But the thing he can do better than anyone else is sinister. Moriarty needs to be a character who with a look conveys that he wants to take over the world and is smart enough to do it.  Moriarty is threatening not simply because he is "the Napoleon of Crime" but because the only man in the world capable of stopping him is Holmes, who, in a way, seems to truly admire him.

David Thewlis as Inspector LeStrade
Like Watson, LeStrade is a character that is often portrayed as being an imbecile and incompetent.  The truth is though that he was neither.  He only appeared that way because he was constantly being bested and shown up by Holmes.  I like Thewlis for LeStrade because I can see him being good at what he does, but frustrated and jealous because Holmes continuously beats him to the punch.  all that being said, Thewlis could be great at occasionally bungling something up and insisting he didn't.

That's all for now.  Just wanted to do a short and quick one to dust the cobwebs off of the blog.  hopefully I'll have another one soon.