Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Stephen King's The Stand

This is a hard movie to cast.  There are so many roles and all of them are important in their own way.  I only cast a few of the major ones, but there are a lot I didn't even attempt.  I also really liked the miniseries.  It wasn't perfect but as far as casting goes it was very well done.  It would be hard to beat Sinise as Stu, but I decided to go a different route.  Here are a few of my choices for the upcoming movie based on my favorite of King's novels.

Timothy Olyphant as Stu Redman
This is the "starring role" for the stand.  Stu gets the most camera time and needs to be played by someone you can believe is a texan good ol' boy as well as someone who can pll off surly defiance and charm with equal merit.  As I said in the intro, it would be hard to outdo Sinise in this role but I think Olyphant can match him.            

Holland Roden as Fran Goldsmith
Okay, I know she is young, and her and Olyphant getting together is kind of disturbing, but in the book she is supposed to be quite a bit younger if I remember correctly.  I'm hesitant to put any faith in anyone involved in MTV's take on Teen Wolf, But I am actually basing my faith on her performance as a Young Emily Locke on Lost.

Mickey Rourke as Flagg
I don't think I need to explain this one, but I will.  Flagg needs to be sinister, but he also needs to havea kind of charming rock star swagger and charm enough to warrent a massive following.  I can't really see anyone else in the role.

Ruby Dee as Mother Abigail
I straight up stle this one from the miniseries.  Not because I couldn't think of anyone else, but I just couldn't see anyone else being better.  I wold actually like to see some unknown woman found on a front porch in south Mississippi cast, but much respect to Ruby Dee for her previous performance.

Emile Hirsch as Nick Andros
Nick needs to be a character that people like immediately.  He also needs to be a leader.  I think Hirsch would be good in this role because I think he could perform without a voice.

Jack White as Larry Underwood
I want to see an actual musician playing this role, and while I am not a huge fan of the white stripes, Jack White was the forst person to come to mind.

Jonah Hill as Harold Lauder
Harold is a character that you feel sorry for while still not liking him very much.  I would like to see Hill because physically he is just what I picture, and I think he could pull off the whining jealous nerd while still maing the character sympathetic.

Will Patton as Trashcan Man
number one choice.  No one else even considered.

Ethan Suplee as Tom Cullen
Since Suplee lost a bunch of weight he is just a brawny dude.  He is still baby faced and innocent looking though.  I also think he has the chops to pull off the simple minded spy.

Hal Holbrook as Glen Bateman
Old guy that everyone loves=Hal Holbrook.

Mila Kunis as Nadine Cross
Basically I want to see Mila Kunis play someone who has completely lost it and uses sex as a weapon.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Autobiography of a Werewolf Hunter

As an introductory casting call on this blog, on which I will post casting calls nd various other shit about movies and Nerdvana, I decided to cast a movie, which I envision being called Autumn Moon, based on the book Autobiography of a Werewolf Hunter by Brian P. Easton (available from Permuted Press).  This book and movie is the autobiographical account of a young man raised on hate to be a werewolf hunter.  It is a story about the danger of being so consumed with hate that you become as inhuman as what you seek to destry, and end up destroyig yourself i the process.  Unfortunately the book is heavy on the details and life story that a movie just couldn't accomplish.  For one thing you would have to cast the main character and his mentor at three distinct ages or use special effects to make them different ages.  So for those of you who have read the book, the movie I envision starting after Logan has left the Army, with Prior details being filled in as backstory and maybe a few flashbacks.  As I said earlier, this is unfortunate because so much of the story comes from Logan's early life.  Anyway, on to the casting...

Josh Holloway as Logan
Over the years many actors have been tossed around as "the best" man to play the main character.  Unfortunately many of them, I'm thinking particularly of Daniel Day Lewis, are far to old to play Logan now.  The "best man" right now, in my opinion, is Josh Holloway.  Best known as the surly and sarcastic James "Sawyer" Ford on Lost, Holloway is tall, good looking, and most importantly can pull off the scruffy, mean, bad ass that you just can't help but root for even if you don't want to.  I have to give my Brother Christian credit for this casting, as he is the forst person to suggest it.
Second choice goes to William Fichtner, although he too may be too old.

Q'orianka Kilcher as Samantha
Ok so she's not Canadian First Nation, but she played Pocahontas (admittedly in a terrible movie).  And she is Native American.  Plus she is hot, can act, and has a vulnerable quality that is needed for the role.

Rebecca Mader as Tanya Clemmons
I know, another Lost alum, but I think this actress can pull off sexy, while not beautiful, while still managing to be the kind of woman who would intimidate most men.

Russell Means as Michael Winterfox
Since Floyd Red Crow Westerman is dead.  Might need a little bit of makeup to make him look older.

Christopher Walken as Diego
The Author himself pegged this one, and I totally agree.  Walken does snister like nobody else.
Second coice: Kevin Spacey (weird, I know, but he could do it.)

Ginnifer Godwin as Joanna
Joanna is described as looking like a pixie and being basically wholesome, nobody else even came to mind.

Hugo Weaving as Dan Rogier
The role needs someone who can pull off beareucrat as well as international espionage badass.  Who better than agent Smith/Red Skull/Inspector Aberline?

Jackie Earle Haley as Digger.

Be ack again soon for something else.  I think I'm going to cast The Stand Sice I've been reading about the upcoming movie.  I'll also be back to post and ramble about other movie and nerd stuff.