Monday, September 3, 2012

G.I. Joe

So, I started this casting call a long time ago, but I never posted it because i couldn't finish.  I had key characters that I had no ideas for.  You'll notice that I cast only one bad guy and no female characters.  That's because the bad guys all wear masks and I hadn't really delved into them yet.  The female characters I just hadn't started yet.  You'll also notice I cast people a lot older than the studio saw fit to.  that's because I was looking for quality.  Plus, the characters in the comics and the cartoon were not twenty something's who had just started their career in the military.  They were all lifers and seasoned professionals.  you don't get to be the baddest of the bad through training.  you need a lot of experience.  The major reason I started this one was because, as soon as I became familiar with Michael Clark Duncan, the first thought that came to me was "Roadblock!"  So, in honor of his passing, I'm going to post what I have, to be updated later.  Here's to Roadblock.

Michael Clark Duncan as Roadblock
Really, when you think of enormous bald black men, this guy has to be who you picture.  Roadblock was not only a badass heavy artillery specialist and United States Marine, he was also a gourmet chef, specializing in cajun cuisine.  He had a sensitive side, and was loveable while not losing his shear shock value.  With Duncan's passing, Ving Rames is the obvious man to replace him.

Kurt Russell as Duke
Duke is the field leader of the Joe team.  When Hawk isn't around, Duke is in charge.  Russell has been duke to me since I first started fantasizing about a live action Joe movie when I was a kid.  Big Trouble in Little China was my favorite movie when I was a kid.

Liam Neeson as Destro
Destro is a Scottish arms dealer.  Neeson is an Irish Badass.  But the Rob Roy star has Scot street cred.  I'm thinking you'd only see his face briefly at the beginning before the family ceremony where he dons the iron headpiece.  After that he would be masked for the rest of the film.

 Will Patton as General Hawk
Anyone who has seen The Punisher or Falling Skies knows Patton can be a hard ass and a military leader.  It's unfortunate that such an awesome actor would actually have relatively little screen time.

Michael Rooker as Gung Ho
I don't need to justify this one.
Nathan Fillion as Falcon
Threw him in for the fanboys.  plus, I think he'd be great as Falcon.  Falcon is supposed to be extremely charming and equal parts natural leader and born screw up.

Natasha Henstridge as Lady Jaye
Lady Jaye is a Ranger and Explosives expert.  Not to mention hot as all hell.  She always got less play than Scarlett, but I always had a thing for her.  She is Flint's sometimes girlfriend.

Michael Madsen as Flint
Flint is Duke's second in command and his go to guy.  He is a green beret, and has an on again off again relationship with Lady Jaye, who I've cast with Natasha Henstridge, Madsen's Species Co-star.

Eric Bana as Major Blud
Bana is Australian, like Blud, and with roles like Prince Hector, Avner, and the Airborne Ranger Hoot in Blackhawk Down, We know he could play the bloodthirsty mercenary.

That's it for now.  I'll edit it when I come up with more.